Author Gwendolyn M Plano
As a college administrator, Gwen lived her professional life in a highly visible and accountable space, but behind closed doors, she and her family experienced the terror of domestic violence and abuse. The statistics are staggering. Every 9 seconds in the United States, a woman is assaulted or beaten. This was Gwen's secret; it was her shame. When her husband eventually turned his brutality on her son, she knew she could no longer stay quiet.
In Letting Go into Perfect Love: Discovering the Extraordinary After Abuse, Gwen bravely recounts a violent marriage that lasted twenty-five-years, and the faith that opened her heart to hope, to trust, and to awe. As a survivor who came out of the relationship determined to start new, Gwen artfully depicts the challenges and triumphs of balancing the obligations of motherhood and career with her family's healing process.
Alternately heart-wrenching and joyful, Letting Go into Perfect Love is a powerful story of triumph over adversity--one woman's inspiring account of learning how to forgive the unforgivable, recover her sense of self, open her heart, and honor the journey home.
Twitter: @gmplano
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