At the 2014 Picton Forum I met up again with Dave McManus, of Copy Press Books, Nelson, and we discussed the possibility of producing my books through them. I wanted Hieroglyph to be a work of art so Dave put me in touch with illustrator John Helle-Nielsen. More editing occurred throughout 2015. I was blessed to work with the very talented, author and editor, Belinda Mellor (Silvana Series). Then the book was back out to more proof-readers. There was a bit of tweaking until we agreed on the final version.
At the same time, Suzanne of Copy Press, also reformatted a NZ print version for my children's bedtime story, Fairy Dust. See below for a sneak preview of the cover for Fairy Wings.
So after several years, Hieroglyph, is almost ready to be released. Next step is formatting the ebook and sorting out the promotion work.
Currently, sitting on my desk, are 4 manuscripts, back from another NZ editor. Ferrasium, Golden Scarab, Lodestone, and Tiger House. Once I've completed the re-edits these will all be re-released in NZ print versions through Copy Press, too. A writer's work is never done!
Amazon Author Page Wendy Scott
Amazon Author Page WJ Scott